Cultural calendar
Visit Piatra-Olt in January and take part in the Day of Slatina Celebrations, attend the exhibition and the various cultural and art events.
The Saint Sophronius of Vratsa complex stages a workshop for children to make martenitsas in February and survachki in December (a stick or twig decorated with artificial flowers of different colors, wherewith children slightly hit on back their parents or acquaintances in the morning of New Year, wishing them, in special verses, health and luck). They are sold to collect proceeds for charities.
The Regional Library of Vratsa holds annually in March the programme My Place of Birth: Tradition and Modernity aimed at encouraging the local population to take an interest in the cultural and historic heritage.
The Development Community Centre organises the annual literary student contest Emiliya Aleksandrova from March until May. The awarding ceremony takes place on 24th May in honour of the Slavic Literacy and Culture Day.
Fans of theatre can visit the Festival for Small Theatre Forms in Vratsa, also known as the Chamber Festival, a forum unique of its kind with well-established traditions, whose purpose it is to promote chamber theatre.
The Ștefan Iordache Theatre Festival is held at the National Theatre of Caracal, Romania. During nine days locals and town visitors can attend performances of different genres.
The Day of Piatra-Olt is celebrated on 21st May with numerous local artists, singers and music groups going on stage.
The Lica Militaru folklore festival is held in Drăgănești-Olt, Romania, a forum for young talents presenting wedding songs and other traditional songs.
On 2nd June the traditional commemoration of Hristo Botev’s troop sacrifice is organised at Peak Okolchitsa.
The National Folklore Gathering is held for two days in June at Ledenika Cave. The event welcomes on stage dancing and singing groups as well as individual performers specialising in authentic and stylised folklore. It also presents works of art and hand-made products of craftsmen from all over Bulgaria. The peak of the event is a traditional local wedding with over 1,000 guests. Wearing a traditional costume or clothes with folklore elements is the only condition for those wishing to participate.
Theatre lovers can enjoy the Time International Youth Festival, an event full of networking opportunities and a debut for many young artists. Guests can choose between classic and modern performances, drama or puppet theatre for all ages, traditional and modern dances.
In Șerbănești, Romania, the Harvest Celebration takes place on Saint Elias’ Day featuring a rich variety of breads baked on various occasions and holidays (bread for the bride, bread for the mother-in-law, Easter bread called kozunak etc.)
The Youth Community Centre of Vratsa celebrates the International Youth Day on 12th August with various concerts, sports events, creative workshops and dance lessons. The Regional Library holds quizzes for the young fans of literature.
For young people who like cooking, the Probuda Community Centre offers a children’s show with a contest for sandwiches, salads and cakes. Kids and teenagers can participate and get a certificate or even a prize if they are among the best.
The Regional Library of Vratsa organises the Local Historian Day, dedicated to a different historian every year, featuring an exhibition of personal books and belongings donated to the library. Guests are welcome to take and read any of the exhibits.
The Autumn Fair of Vratsa (14th – 19th September) is a stage for folklore ensembles and individual performers but also a venue for craftsmen and tradesmen presenting typical local products. The Yummy Bulgaria booth gives every guest a chance to taste various local meals prepared by the chefs of the community centres in the area.
The Day of Scornicești, also called the Bread Celebration, draws our attention to the history and traditions of bread kneading. Visitors can also have fun with the art programme. A special moment is the golden wedding anniversary awarding ceremony for couples celebrating the event on that day.
The Tree of Life is a one-day festival occurring every year in Balș, Romania in the Petre Pandrea Library, the Heroes Memorial at the river Olteț, at the harbour and elsewhere. The main aim is to raise awareness of traditional dances, songs and crafts. It starts with the crafts fair, going on with commemorating the heroes with wreaths and bouquets at the Heroes Memorial, to end with the folklore ensembles performances.
From Drăgănești to the Valley is a folklore festival dedicated to poems and songs organised by the Ileana Constantinescu Community Centre and the local municipality. It is all about rediscovering the beauty of the Romanian poems and ballads, and providing opportunities for performers from all over Romania.
One of the most beloved local events is the humour festival Oltenia and the Rest of the World in Slatina. You can attend music performances, a traditional crafts fair and visit the traditional craftsmen’s booths.
In October/November, the Development Community Centre welcomes youths at its musical forum and the young audience forum in open air. Come and enjoy classic and modern performances by local talents from Vratsa and abroad.
The Regional Library organises the annual local historians’ conference on Local History: a Message to the Future. Local historians, librarians, teachers, journalists, students and pupils are welcome to take part. Each year a different topic is covered revolving around the lifestyle, culture and community life in the area.
The Saint Sophronius of Vratsa complex stages a workshop for children to make martenitsas in February and survachki in December (a stick or twig decorated with artificial flowers of different colors, wherewith children slightly hit on back their parents or acquaintances in the morning of New Year, wishing them, in special verses, health and luck). They are sold to collect proceeds for charities.